At this point, the monolithic file we’ve been working on is getting too large. It makes sense to break things up into logical units. It’s also time to stop thinking of this in terms of plugging commands into the REPL, and look at actually compiling and loading the files. So, I’ve broken the big file into several smaller ones, and created an ASDF control file that looks like this:
(defpackage hp67 (:use :common-lisp :asdf)) (in-package :hp67) (defsystem "hp67" :description "hp67: a programmable RPN calculator emulator." :version "0.1" :author "Christopher Neufeld" :licence "GPL v3" :components ((:file "stack") (:file "modes") (:file "key-structs" :depends-on ("stack" "modes")) (:file "calc1" :depends-on ("key-structs"))))
Now, I can issue the command:
CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'hp67)
This compiles any files whose sources are more recent than the compiled .fasl files, and loads the project.
Now, the define-op-key macro that we were using was building structures at macro expansion time, and loading them into a data structure. That’s not convenient if we want to compile and load the files. We could define a make-load-form for the key-struct structures, but there’s no need to do that. Instead, we change the define-op-key macro to issue code to construct the objects, that code will be executed at load time, rather than at macro expansion time.
Now that we can compile our forms, a few typos have shown up, which are corrected in the latest code. We also get a large pile of warnings about labels that are not used in the expanded forms. Warnings like that are annoying, because the can obscure more interesting warnings, so we’re going to change them from labels to macrolet forms.
The code described here is in the git repository under the tag v2014-10-31.