Tag Archives: hp67

The HP-67 emulator, tying together the functions

When I write code from the bottom up, I tend to be surprised by how suddenly it all comes together at the end.  We now write a simple wrapper function, and have some basic calculator behaviour.  No real UI yet, but enough for basic testing.

We’ll write a function that takes the abbreviation string for a keypress, the stack and mode, and closures for unusual behaviour.  We will also allow it to take in numeric values as strings, and interpret those as requests to push those numbers onto the stack.  Note that we haven’t finished setting up the numeric key tokens yet, so we can’t actually handle single-digit numbers in this test code, they’ll get interpreted as keypresses, and won’t do what we want.  With that restriction, though, there is enough here for basic testing.

We parse the passed string for the abbreviation, and look up the key by its mode.  That lookup is a bit complicated because :RUN-MODE-NO-PROG is actually a logical sub-mode of :RUN-MODE, but with higher priority, but that’s not difficult to code.

We look for a numeric string and push it onto the stack if found.  We check to see if an argument is needed and not supplied, and if so we invoke the callback closure to obtain the argument.  Then, we call the function associated with the keypress, check for errors, and return to the caller.  Here is the code to do that, in a new file called engine.lisp:

(defun handle-one-keypress (key-string
                            stack mode)

  (declare (ignorable check-for-interrupt-closure))

      ((matching-key-struct (abbrev mode ks)
         (and (string= abbrev (key-struct-abbrev ks))
              (member mode (key-struct-avail-modes ks))))

       (matching-key-fallback (abbrev mode ks)
         (when (eq mode :RUN-MODE-NO-PROG)
           (matching-key-struct abbrev :RUN-MODE ks))))

  (let* ((current-mode (modes-run/prog mode))
         (all-keys (get-keys))
         (tokenized (tokenize key-string))
         (abbrev (first tokenized))
         (arg (second tokenized))
         (key (car (or (member-if
                        #'(lambda (x)
                            (matching-key-struct abbrev
                        #'(lambda (x)
                            (matching-key-fallback abbrev

    (unless key
      (let ((data (read-from-string key-string)))
        (typecase data
           (push-stack stack data :DOUBLE-FLOAT)
           (return-from handle-one-keypress :NORMAL-EXIT))
           (format t "Cannot handle single-precision floats")
           (return-from handle-one-keypress :ERROR))
           (push-stack stack data :RATIONAL)
           (return-from handle-one-keypress :NORMAL-EXIT))
           (return-from handle-one-keypress :UNKNOWN-COMMAND)))))
    (when (and (key-struct-takes-arg key)
               (not arg))
      (setf arg (funcall fetch-argument-closure abbrev))
      (unless arg
        (return-from handle-one-keypress :MISSING-ARGUMENT)))

    (if (key-struct-takes-arg key)
        (funcall (key-struct-run-mode-fcn key)
                 stack mode arg)
        (funcall (key-struct-run-mode-fcn key)
                 stack mode))

    (if (stack-error-state stack)

Here are some examples of using this code to perform calculations.  In the first case, we add two numbers.  In the second, we multiple them, and in the third case we store the second number into a memory register.  The STO operation takes an argument, so it calls the closure to obtain its argument, and then continues:
*slime-repl sbcl*

CL-USER> (let ((stack (get-new-stack-object 4))
               (mode (get-new-mode-object))
               (arg-fcn #'(lambda (x)
                            (format t "Argument for ~A:  " x)
           (handle-one-keypress "10" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "20" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "+" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
   :REGISTERS (30 0 0 0)
   :REGISTERS-COPY (20 10 0 0)
   :LAST-X 20
   :FLAGS (("0") ("1") ("2") ("3"))
CL-USER> (let ((stack (get-new-stack-object 4))
               (mode (get-new-mode-object))
               (arg-fcn #'(lambda (x)
                            (format t "Argument for ~A:  " x)
           (handle-one-keypress "10" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "20" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "*" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
   :REGISTERS (200 0 0 0)
   :REGISTERS-COPY (20 10 0 0)
   :LAST-X 20
   :FLAGS (("0") ("1") ("2") ("3"))
CL-USER> (let ((stack (get-new-stack-object 4))
               (mode (get-new-mode-object))
               (arg-fcn #'(lambda (x)
                            (format t "Argument for ~A:  " x)
           (handle-one-keypress "10" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "20" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
           (handle-one-keypress "sto" arg-fcn nil stack mode)
Argument for sto:  3

   :REGISTERS (20 10 0 0)
   :REGISTERS-COPY (20 10 0 0)
   :LAST-X 0
   :MEMORY (("3" . 20))
   :FLAGS (("0") ("1") ("2") ("3"))

This code is in the git repository under the tag v2014-11-14.

The HP-67 emulator, the rest of the keys

Now, we put in the rest of the keypress definitions, and adjust our associated data structures in support of these.  At this point, we notice that certain keys have different behaviours depending on the context in which they are pressed.  For instance, the EEX key either puts an exponent on a number that is being constructed, or it starts a new number of the form 1E+<…>.  Similarly, the CHS key either changes the sign of the number in the X register, or introduces a – sign in a number being constructed through the keypad.  The 5 buttons at the top of the calculator call functions in program space, but if there are no defined program steps, they call certain defined short-cuts.  There are also certain operations that don’t do anything in interactive mode, but have their effects only when inside a running program, such as the conditional instruction skip operators.

To cover these cases, we define several modes in which the calculator can find itself.  There’s NUMERIC-INPUT mode, in which keypresses construct a number.  RUN-MODE, the normal interactive mode when the calculator is responding to keypresses.  RUN-MODE-NO-PROG, a specialized form of RUN-MODE when there are no program steps defined.  PROGRAM-EXECUTION, when the calculator is running a program.  PROGRAMMING-MODE, when the calculator is recording a program from the keyboard.

Keypresses can return a normal exit code, or they can pass back directives to the calculator.  These include flow-control directives like GOTO, GOSUB, RETURN-FROM-SUBROUTINE, SKIP-NEXT-STEP, BACk-STEP, SINGLE-STEP, and RUN-STOP.  Also card reader/writer directives with CARD-OPERATION.  There are display directives like PAUSE-1-SECOND, REVIEW-REGISTERS, PAUSE-5-SECONDS, and DISPLAY-STACK.  There is the DELETE-CURRENT-STEP code that tells the calculator to delete a step in the program.  Then there’s TOKEN, which starts or continues the input of a number.  Any keypress that follows that is not TOKEN will implicitly end the input of the number and cause the calculator to behave as if ENTER had been pressed before the next non-TOKEN keypress is handled.

There is also an ERROR return code, which a keypress can send if an illegal operation occurs, such as division by zero or overflow.

With all this, we’re about ready to begin coding the state machine that will execute program steps.  That’s what we’ll begin doing next.

Meanwhile, the code at this point is found in the git repository under the tag v2014-11-12.


The HP-67 emulator, completing the rational numbers conversion

Over the past few posts we’ve discussed the realization that we should be using rational numbers for most operations.  To that end, we wrote code to render a rational as a printable string in any one of the three output modes of the calculator.

We have rewritten some of the stack/memory code so that only rational numbers to 10 digits of precision are stored there.  To truncate the rationals at 10 digits, they are parsed as printable 10-digit scientific-notation strings, then the strings are parsed back into exact rational equivalents.

As mentioned earlier, rational numbers are fine for many purposes, but if a function that requires floating point numbers, like sqrt or log, receives a rational number, that number is promoted to a single-precision float.  Single-precision floats generally have less than 10 digits of precision internally, so this is a lossy operation that must not be permitted.  To avoid this, the stack and memory operations can optionally convert the number they return to a double-precision float before handing it to the caller.  The calling environment must explicitly declare whether it will be requesting doubles or rationals.  The parsing code in key-structs.lisp can either set all its stores and recalls to rationals, or all to doubles; the syntax does not permit the mixing of those two modes.  Therefore, if a rational is requested, and a single-precision or double-precision float is later pushed or stored, an error will be raised, one that is not caught by the handlers in the key forms, as this is a programming bug that must be fixed.  In this way, we catch all operations that convert rationals to single-precision floats.

We’ve also written a function to retrieve the parsed form associated with a defined key, for debugging perusal.  Reading over the forms produced for the keys we’ve defined so far, some parsing errors were found and the code was corrected.

Here are the two new conditions used by the code that protects against single-precision float errors:

(define-condition invalid-float-arrived (error)
  ((val         :initarg value
                :reader get-val))
  (:documentation "A floating-point number was pushed when rationals were promised.  This is a coding bug and should be fixed.")
  (:report (lambda (c s)
             (format s "The float value ~A was encountered."
                     (get-val c)))))

(define-condition single-precision-float (error)
  ((val         :initarg value
                :reader get-val))
  (:documentation "A single-precision floating-point number was seen.  This is below the promised precision of the calculator, and is a programming bug.")
  (:report (lambda (c s)
             (format s "The single-precision float value ~A was encountered."
                     (get-val c)))))

Here is the function that is used by stack and memory store operations to validate the passed value:

(defun fix-input-val (val rflag)
  (when (eq rflag :DOUBLE-FLOAT)
    (when (eq (type-of val) 'single-float)
      (error (make-condition 'single-precision-float
                             :value val)))
         (setf val (rational val)))

  (unless (rationalp val)
    (error (make-condition 'invalid-float-arrived
                           :value val)))

  (round-to-ultimate-precision val))

Here is the function used by stack and memory retrieve operations to convert to double-precision floats if desired:

(defun fix-output-val (val rflag)
  (if (eq rflag :DOUBLE-FLOAT)
      (coerce val 'double-float)

The current code is in the git repository under the tag v2014-11-10.

The HP-67 emulator, more on rounding

The HP-67 calculator has some specialized behaviour when displaying numbers in fixed mode.  Numbers less than 1 always have a leading zero before the decimal, leaving 9 digits of precision for the remainder of the value.  If asked to display 0.001 to two digits of precision in fixed mode, the calculator will display the number in scientific notation instead, as that value rounds to a visual representation of zero.  If asked to display 1234567890.123 to two digits of precision, it will display only 1234567890, as the display has only ten digits.

So, now we need functions to display a rational number in either scientific or fixed mode.  The scientific mode is fairly simple, as we can use the long division code we wrote earlier to produce a sequence of digits, and we know the exponent on the total.  Fixed mode is more complicated, because of the automatic conversion to scientific notation.

A number that is too wide to fit in the 10 digits of the display must be at least 10^10-(1/2).  With the rounding rules, that number will round up to an 11 digit number.  A number that is too small to fit in the number of digits of precision requested must be smaller than 10^-d / 2.  With the rounding rules, that number will round up to 1 in the last digit displayed after the decimal.  In between these values, the magnitude of the number (the power of 10 represented by the most significant non-zero digit) and the precision after the decimal point will, together, determine how many digits total must be displayed.

The temptation is to find the base-10 logarithm of the rational number, take the floor function on that, and you have the magnitude of the rational.  However, this is not safe.  Rational numbers are promoted to single-precision floats, and cannot generally be exactly represented.  Sometimes, the error introduced in the conversion from rational to float can cause a number to cross to a different magnitude, as seen in this example:
*slime-repl sbcl*

CL-USER> (log (/ 1000001 10) 10.d0)
CL-USER> (log (/ 10000001 10) 10.d0)
CL-USER> (log (/ 100000001 10) 10.d0)

So, for safety, after the magnitude is determined with the logarithm, it is verified using purely rational arithmetic, and adjusted if necessary.

The next thing of interest is rounding numbers to lower precision.  It is easier to write the code to produce a certain fixed precision, then successively round the number to the desired precision later.  However, successive rounding has a major issue in the case of the number 0.44445.  If you were to round this successively, you might first get 0.4445, then 0.445, then 0.45, then 0.5.  This sequence is clearly incorrect.  When performing successive rounding, when the digit you’re eliminating is 5, you have to know how you got that 5 digit, whether it was from rounding down, or rounding up.  If it came from rounding down or was exact, then the 5 causes a rounding up of the next-higher-precision number.  If it came from rounding up, then the 5 causes no rounding up.  The long division function has been modified to return that information in a third entry in the returned list, and a new function that understands this format, round-long-division-result, has been written to make use of it.

With these changes, we now are ready to display any rational number in either fixed or scientific notation, in a way that exactly matches the HP-67’s behaviour.

The current code is checked into the git repository under the tag v2014-11-08.

The HP-67 emulator, revisiting rounding

I’ve been thinking about the display code from the last posting, and realized it’s still not enough to handle the vagaries of floating-point numbers.  Even if we manually round a number up, there is no guarantee that it won’t be rounded down again as it is coerced to a double-float prior to passing through the format statement.  There’s always the chance that our result will be wrong in the final displayed digit.  So, we’re going to be making some changes to the code to enforce more strongly the use of rational numbers when possible.

The first place this will appear is in the printing code we worked on last time.  We will now enforce the requirement that numbers to be printed are always rationals.  Then, we will need to be able to print a rational to the desired precision with absolute confidence that it will be rendered correctly in all digits.  To this end, we’re going to write our own equivalent of format with the ~,vE option.  This function is presented below.

So, what this does is to extract the numerator and denominator of the absolute value of the number to be printed.  An exponential power of 10 is initialized to zero.

Next, we adjust the numerator or denominator by factors of 10, and record these changes in the exponent, until the numerator is at least as large as the denominator, and strictly less than 10 times the denominator.

At this point, we do grade-school long-hand division.  We compute and record the divisor, subtract the appropriate number from the numerator to get the remainder, then shift the decimal and keep going.

Now, for rounding.  If the remainder is at least 1/2 of the denominator, we want to round up.  We set the carry flag to 1 and then apply that flag to the collection of digits from least to most significant.  The carry flag can eventually become zero, at which point no further digits are adjusted.  If we exit that mapcar with the carry flag set to 1, then we have carried all the way to the most significant digit, which we converted from a 9 to a 0.  So, we’re going to have to put a 1 in front of that, after first dropping the lowest digit, as it’s below the requested precision.  Then, we reverse the list we’ve been keeping, so that the digits are from most to least significant.

Finally, we put together the digits and the exponent to produce a string in scientific notation.

Here is the function:

(defun render-rational-as-sci (rval n-digits)
  "In the end, we can't trust format because of its rounding rules, and the coercion.  Even going to double-float can't guarantee that we won't slip a digit in the last place.  So, here we 'display' a rational number by longhand division."
  (when (= rval 0)
    (return-from render-rational-as-sci
      (format nil "~,vE" n-digits 0.0)))

  (let* ((result '())
         (rv (make-string-output-stream))
         (sign (if (> rval 0) 1 -1))
         (num (numerator (abs rval)))
         (den (denominator (abs rval)))
         (exponent 0))
    (do ()
        ((>= num den))
      (setf num (* 10 num))
      (decf exponent))
    (do ()
        ((< num (* 10 den)))
      (setf den (* 10 den))
      (incf exponent))

    (dotimes (i (1+ n-digits))
      (let ((digit (floor (/ num den))))
        (push digit result)
        (decf num (* digit den))
        (setf num (* 10 num))))

    (let ((carry (if (>= (/ num den) (/ 1 2)) 1 0)))
      (setf result (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                               (setf x (+ carry x))
                                 ((= 10 x)
                                  (setf x 0))
                                  (setf carry 0)))
                               x) result))

        ((= carry 1)
         ;; rounded all the way to the beginning. Fix.
         (pop result)
         (setf result (reverse result))
         (incf exponent)
         (push 1 result))
         (setf result (reverse result)))))

    (format rv "~A~D."
            (if (= sign -1) "-" "")
            (car result))
    (format rv "~{~D~}" (cdr result))
    (format rv "e~A~2,'0D"
            (if (< exponent 0) "-" "")
            (abs exponent))

    (get-output-stream-string rv)))

Here is some sample output:
*slime-repl sbcl*

CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ 1005 100) 2)
CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ -1005 100) 2)
CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ 99999 100000) 2)
CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ 99999 100000) 3)
CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ 99999 100000) 4)
CL-USER> (render-rational-as-sci (/ 99999 100000) 5)

This function is found in the display.lisp module in the git repository, under the tag v2014-11-06.