Building a Rain Predictor. Feeding data to the training algorithm.

The index to the articles in this series is found here.

So, we’ve got the data ready to feed to the neural network for training. Our images are circles with a radius of 240 pixels. To process a single element through the network, we have to feed it 6 such images. That’s roughly 1 million pixels loaded into numpy arrays. Let’s say 4 bytes per pixel for floats. We have about 10000 training elements. That’s about 40GB of input data. Now, there’s a lot of overlap between training elements, one image is actually used by almost 6 training elements, so we could, with effort, reduce this to maybe 7 GB for the input sets.

My machine has 16GB of RAM.

There is significant memory overhead in training used by Keras internals, and every 10 minutes my downloading script gives us potentially one more training element.

So, we don’t plan to load the entire training set into memory before passing it into the system. This isn’t really a problem, Keras is set up for doing this quite easily. We need to create a data generator. Here’s mine,

#! /usr/bin/python3

# The data generator for the rain predictor
import keras
# from tensorflow import keras
import rpreddtypes
import math
import numpy

class RPDataGenerator(keras.utils.Sequence):
    'Produces data from the training set records we\'ve built'
    def __init__(self, sequence_file, path_file, veto_file,
                 centre, sensitive_region, heavyThreshold,
                 batch_size, shuffle=False):
        self.radius1 = 20
        self.radius2 = 60
        self.radius3 = 100
        self.radius4 = 170
        self.radius5 = 240
        self.tripradius = 25
        self.sequence_file = sequence_file
        self.path_file = path_file
        self.veto_file = veto_file
        self.centre = centre
        self.sensitive_region = sensitive_region
        self.heavy = heavyThreshold
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.hash = rpreddtypes.genhash(centre, sensitive_region,
        self.pathmap = {}
        self.seqmap = {}
        self.seqlist = []
        self.modules = []


    def loadFromFiles(self):
        with open(self.path_file, 'r') as ifile:
            for record in ifile:
                fields = record.split()
                seqno = int(fields[0])
                self.pathmap[seqno] = fields[1]

        vetolist = []
        if self.veto_file:
            with open(self.veto_file, 'r') as ifile:
                for record in ifile:
                    fields = record.split()
                    seqno = int(fields[0])
        with open(self.sequence_file, 'r') as ifile:
            for record in ifile:
                fields = record.split()
                seqno = int(fields[0])
                hashno = fields[1]
                if hashno != self.hash:
                if seqno in vetolist:
                self.seqmap[seqno] = list(map(int, fields[4:]))

        if self.shuffle:

    def shuffleSequence(self):

    def on_epoch_end(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return 1 + ( len(self.seqlist) // self.batch_size )

    def buildModules(self):
        # For each module, we store a list of pixels.  We put the
        # centre in its module.  Then, starting at the centre, we walk
        # up to the outer radius, putting all points in a module.  We
        # then go one pixel to the right, and, starting one pixel
        # above the centre, do it again.  Continue until we've run out
        # of space to the right.  Then we rotate the pixels 90 degrees
        # into their new modules.  This guarantees no missed pixels.

        self.modules = [[] for _ in range(34)]

        # Modules are numbered clockwise from the outermost, to the
        # right of the centreline, 0.  After 7, we go inward one ring
        # and repeat, starting to the right of the centreline.  This
        # covers modules 0-31.  Module 32 is the bullseye, and Module
        # 33 is the tripwire.


        for i in range(self.centre[0], 2 * self.centre[0]):
            for j in range(self.centre[1], 0, -1):
                deltaI = i - self.centre[0]
                deltaJ = self.centre[1] - j
                distance = math.sqrt(deltaI ** 2 + deltaJ ** 2)
                if distance <= self.radius1:
                    self.modules[32].append([i, j])
                elif distance <= self.radius2:
                    if deltaJ < deltaI:
                        self.modules[24].append([i, j])
                        self.modules[25].append([i, j])
                elif distance <= self.radius3:
                    if deltaJ < deltaI:
                        self.modules[16].append([i, j])
                        self.modules[17].append([i, j])
                elif distance <= self.radius4:
                    if deltaJ < deltaI:
                        self.modules[8].append([i, j])
                        self.modules[9].append([i, j])
                elif distance <= self.radius5:
                    if deltaJ < deltaI:
                        self.modules[0].append([i, j])
                        self.modules[1].append([i, j])

        nBullseye = len(self.modules[32])
        # Now we've loaded one quadrant.  Copy with rotation to the
        # other three quadrants.
        for i in range(6):
            for ring in range(4):
                self.modules[ring * 8 + i + 2] = list(map(lambda p: [ p[1], -p[0]], self.modules[ring * 8 + i]))

            # Do the bullseye
            for p in range(nBullseye):
                pc = self.modules[32][i * nBullseye + p]
                self.modules[32].append([pc[1], -pc[0]])

        # Finally, the tripwire
        for radius in range(-self.tripradius, self.tripradius + 1):
            i1 = self.centre[0] + radius
            j1 = self.centre[1] + int(math.sqrt(self.tripradius ** 2 - radius ** 2))
            j2 = 2 * self.centre[1] - j1
            if not [i1, j1] in self.modules[33]:
                self.modules[33].append([i1, j1])
            if not [i1, j2] in self.modules[33]:
                self.modules[33].append([i1, j2])

            j1 = self.centre[1] + radius
            i1 = self.centre[0] + int(math.sqrt(self.tripradius ** 2 - radius ** 2))
            i2 = 2 * self.centre[0] - i1
            if not [i1, j1] in self.modules[33]:
                self.modules[33].append([i1, j1])
            if not [i2, j1] in self.modules[33]:
                self.modules[33].append([i2, j1])

    def getModuleSizes(self):
        return list(map(len, self.modules))

    def normalize(self, val):
        if (val < self.heavy):
            return val / 20.0
            return (5 + val) / 20.0

    def inputsFromOneFile(self, filename):
        reader = rpreddtypes.RpBinReader()
        sourcepixels = reader.getNumpyArray()
        rval = []
        for module in range(34):
            nPixels = len(self.modules[module])
            for pixelIndex in range(nPixels):
                pixel = self.modules[module][pixelIndex]
                rval[module][pixelIndex] = self.normalize(sourcepixels[pixel[0]][pixel[1]])
        return rval

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        'Return one batch'
        # For each module, have to return a numpy array
        # indexed by [offsetInBatch][timestep][pixelIndex]
        # Hand these back in a list, and the y-vals in another list

        rvalX = []
        rvalY = numpy.empty([self.batch_size, 10])
        for i in range(34):
            rvalX.append(numpy.empty([self.batch_size, 6,

        for oib in range(self.batch_size):
            base_seqno = self.seqlist[index * self.batch_size + oib]
            for ts in range(6):
                seqno = base_seqno + ts
                filename = self.pathmap[seqno]
                inputs = self.inputsFromOneFile(filename)
                for m in range(34):
                    rvalX[m][oib][ts] = inputs[m]

            rvalY[oib] = numpy.asarray(self.seqmap[base_seqno])

        return rvalX, rvalY

For now, I’ve got some hard-coded magic numbers, as I’ve been eager to get to the training. As we’ll see soon, this will have to change…

So, what the data generator does is to hand off data to the training system in batches. Keras loads one entire batch at once, feeds it through the network, and then adjust the weights based only on that subset of the training set. It then requests the next batch of inputs, and runs it through the modified network, once more adjusting the weights as it goes. Keras recommends using batches as large as manageable in your system memory.

One entire pass through the training set is called an epoch. We randomize the data, then run as many iterations as fit inside the training set size. In this implementation, for simplicity I’ve set it up so the remainder of the training elements are not seen in that epoch. After each epoch, the data is rerandomized, so elements skipped in one epoch are likely to be seen in the following epoch.

A function called buildModules() figures out which pixels are assigned to which modules. Then, as images come in, we can pass the data quickly to the appropriate module.

We have to normalize the data. Neural networks are happier when the data is bounded, and it’s more convenient to have these inputs range from 0 for no rain to 1 for the highest represented intensity. Note, however, that I make a distinction between heavy rain and very light rain. To help the network to separate these two cases, I’ve set up the normalization so that the gap between the highest “light rain” value and the lowest “heavy rain” value is larger than the gap between other consecutive intensities.

With this, we’re finally ready to start training the network. That will be covered in the next article.

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