Building a Rain Predictor. Starting to tune.

The index to the articles in this series is found here.

Finally, it seems we’re ready to start tuning this network. There will be several different approaches to try, and we’ll be examining the confusion matrix as we go.

The current training code is

#! /usr/bin/python3

# Here we go again.  Training the neural network.

import rpreddtypes
import argparse
import random

import tensorflow as tf
# from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import TensorBoard, EarlyStopping

import keras
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Concatenate, LSTM
from keras.models import Sequential, Model

import sys
import numpy as np

def getDataVectors(sequence_file, path_file):
    pathmap = {}
    seqmap = {}
    seqlist = []
    with open(path_file, 'r') as ifile:
        for record in ifile:
            fields = record.split()
            seqno = int(fields[0])
            pathmap[seqno] = fields[1]

    with open(sequence_file, 'r') as ifile:
        for record in ifile:
            fields = record.split()
            seqno = int(fields[0])
            seqmap[seqno] = list(map(int, fields[4:]))


    # Need to load the size of the data samples by loading one data
    # file up front
    probeseqno = seqlist[0]
    probefilename = pathmap[seqno]
    reader = rpreddtypes.RpBinReader()
    rpbo = reader.getPreparedDataObject()
    datasize = rpbo.getDataLength()

    rvalX = np.empty([len(seqlist), 6, datasize])
    rvalY = np.empty([len(seqlist), 10])

    for index in range(len(seqlist)):
        base_seqno = seqlist[index]
        for timestep in range(6):
            ts_seqno = base_seqno + timestep
            ts_filename = pathmap[ts_seqno]
            reader = rpreddtypes.RpBinReader()
            rpbo = reader.getPreparedDataObject()
            rvalX[index][timestep] = np.asarray(rpbo.getPreparedData()) / 255

        rvalY[index] = np.asarray(seqmap[base_seqno])

    return rvalX, rvalY, datasize

### Main code entry point here

lstm_module_nodes = 500
synth_layer_nodes = 300
num_outputs = 10

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train the rain '
                                 'prediction network.')
parser.add_argument('--continue', dest='Continue',
                    help='Whether to load a previous state and '
                    'continue training')
parser.add_argument('--pathfile', type=str, dest='pathfile',
                    help='The file that maps sequence numbers to '
                    'the pathnames of the binary files.')
parser.add_argument('--training-set', type=str, dest='trainingset',
                    help='The file containing the training set '
                    'to use.  A fraction will be retained for '
parser.add_argument('--savefile', type=str, dest='savefile',
                    help='The filename at which to save the '
                    'trained network parameters.  A suffix will be '
                    'applied to the name to avoid data '
parser.add_argument('--validation-frac', type=float, dest='vFrac',
                    default = 0.2,
                    help = 'That fraction of the training set to '
                    'be set aside for validation rather than '
parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, dest='nEpochs',
                    default = 100,
                    help = 'Set the number of epochs to train.')

args = parser.parse_args()

xvals = None
yvals = None
datasize = None

xvals, yvals, datasize = getDataVectors(args.trainingset, args.pathfile)

if args.Continue:
    if not args.savefile:
        print('You asked to continue by loading a previous state, '
              'but did not supply the savefile with the previous state.')

    mymodel = keras.models.load_model(args.savefile)

    inputs1 = Input(batch_shape = (None, 6, datasize))
    time_layer = LSTM(lstm_module_nodes, stateful = False,

    synth_layer = Dense(synth_layer_nodes, activation='relu')(time_layer)
    output_layer = Dense(num_outputs, activation='sigmoid')(synth_layer)

    mymodel = Model(inputs=[inputs1], outputs=[output_layer])

mymodel.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd')
#                metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.FalsePositives(),
#                         tf.keras.metrics.FalseNegatives()])

# if args.savefile:
#     keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(args.savefile, save_weights_only=False,
#                                     save_best_only = True,
#                                     monitor='val_loss',
#                                     verbose=1,
#                                     mode='auto', period=1)

print ('Training\n') = xvals, y = yvals, epochs = args.nEpochs, verbose=1,
            validation_split = args.vFrac, shuffle = True)

if args.savefile:
    print('Saving model\n')

There is no generator, we’re using fit() now, as we can get all the training data into memory quite easily. I’ve concatenated the training and validation sets now, as I’m using the validation_split argument to fit().

I can regenerate a full set of intermediate binary files in under 2 hours using all of the cores on my machine, so we’ll be able to experiment with different module granularities as well, if needed, but that’s not going to be the first thing I look at.

I mentioned before that I’d be looking into using non-default weights, since I’m most interested in false negatives, so I want to emphasize reduction of that quantity in the training.

Network optimization isn’t usually a simple process. There are multiple parameters relevant to the training and topology, many of them interacting with one another. We’ll keep a record of attempts and outcomes, and see what works best for this specific project.

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